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Гагик Аветисян
Place of birth: Republic of Armenia
Nationality Armenian
Date of birth: February 20, 1957
Education: 2003-2007 - St. Petersburg State Academic Institute of Painting, Sculpture
and Architecture after Ilya Repin. Department of Art
History and Theory. As an Art Critic
1977-1981 - Armenian State Pedagogical University, Faculty of Art. As an teacher
and painter.
1975-1977 - Yerevan College of Fine Arts. As a specialist of Decorative applied art
Employment: Since 2012-1916- Director in Abovyan Museum of Armenian and Russian
Peoples Friendship
Since 2010 - Coordinator of International Festival «Armenian Palette»
Since 2012 - Member of Union Artists of Armenia
2009-2015 - Armenian State Pedagogical University, Department of
Art History and Theory, as a professor
Since 2000 - Member of Creative Union of Artists of Russia and Artists’
International Federation.
Since 1995 - Member of UNESCO Artists’ International Federation.
1993-2003 - Yerevan, “Maku” company. As Deputy Director,
Chief Designer
1987-1988 - Yerevan Furniture Factory Consultant of Director
1980-1985 - College of Fine Arts and Technology N8, professor
Languages: Armenian, Russian, French
1985 - Leningrad, Youth Artists Exhibition
1985 - Yerevan, College of Fine Arts and Technology N8, Personality exhibition
1986 - Yerevan, Artists' Union, Soviet All-Union exhibition
1986 - Yerevan, Artists' Union, 1 work in exhibition
1987 - Exhibition dedicated to 70th Anniversary of Revolution
1987 - Yerevan, Artists' Union's youth exhibition
1988 - Yerevan, Artists' Union, Portrait exhibition “Armine's portrait”
was bought by ASSR Ministry of Culture
1991 - Portrait exhibition in UNESCO International Federation
1991 - Southern door of Sevan Saint Apostles' Church, Donation
1992 - Switzerland, Geneva, “Montmartre-Sur- Molard”, International Painting
Exhibition-Contest, 60 countries, Grand Prix
1993 - Switzerland, Geneva, personal exhibition
1994 – Sankt-Prtersburg, Academy of Fine Arts, exhibition
1995 - Sankt-Prtersburg, Open-air exhibition
1997 - France, Lyon, 1 work in exhibition
1999 - Sankt Petersburg, Russian Art Museum, 1 work in exhibition
2000 - Hungary, Budapest, Open-air personal exhibition
2001- Hungary, Budapest, exhibition
2003 - Hungary, Budapest, exhibition
2006 - Sankt-Prtersburg, 5-painters’ exhibition, Brodski museum
2006 - Leningrad, exhibition of 5 young artists
2011 - Yerevan, Eghegnadzor, “Vayots Dzor in autumn’’, “Armenian Pallete”
fine arts festival, coordinator-participant
2011 - Yerevan, “Spring Syunik colors’’, “Armenian Pallete” fine arts festival,
coordinator, participant
2011 - Gyumri, Yerevan, “Shirak summer colors”, “Armenian Pallete” fine arts
festival, coordinator, participant
2011 - August 6-26 The first international Plein air painting festival
(Armenia, Russia, Belarus), Artsakh, Vayots Dzor, Gyumri, Lori, Tavush,
Gegharkunik, Yerevan: Project author, coordinator-participant
2011 - Vanadzor, Yerevan, “Lorva Dzor. Colors of Debed plain”
“Armenian palette” festival, coordinator-participant
2011 - Yerevan, Panarmenian exhibition with Russian and Belarusian painters
2012 - Yerevan, “Aparan nature”, “Armenian palette” festival,
Coordinator, participant
2012 - Elblag-European Cultural center, Svyadovid, Poland, “Impresje” festival
2012 - Riga, Vilnyus, Tallin, “Armenian painters” exhibition
2012 - Yerevan, Exhibition dedicated to 90th anniversary of the Yerevan State
Pedagogical University
2013 - Harbin, EXPO-2013
2014 - Yerevan "Old-New Yerevan", Artists' Union
2015 - Yerevan "Revival" the organizer and participant of the exhibition,
dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide (65
participants from 8 countries)
2015 - Yerevan, the exhibition dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the
Armenian Genocide, Artists' Union
2015 - Yerevan Municipality, "Yerevan through
the eyes of foreign artists" (organizer, participant)
2015 - Lithuania, Vilnius Town Hall Square, the open-air event dedicated to
the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. Author panel "History
of Armenia» (200x300).
Awards 1992 - GRAND PRIX
Switzerland, Geneva, “Montmartre-Sur- Molard”, International
Painting Exhibition-Contest, 60 countries.
Respublic of Armenia, For having a valuable contribution
instrengthening and developing international cultural ties between
Armenia and foreign countries.
G. Avetisyan works are now in personal collections and in museums in Yerevan, NKR (Nagorno-Karabakh Republic), Saint Petersburg, Geneva, Lyon, Paris, Budapest, Los Angeles, Rome, Zurich, Harbin and so on.
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