Every Monday Arvest Art Gallery master-class takes place.

75/78 Bogenbay Batira Street
(corner Kaldayakov)
Almaty, Kazakhstan

Phone: + 7 727 291 47 97
Mobile: + 7 701 799 94 09

Publications regarding the Arvest Gallery
Artwork title: Oriental still life. Author: Ànna ZarnitskyArtwork title: Lilac  (private collection). Author: Gohar Boryan
Artwork title: Journey. Author: Abduahat MuratbaevArtwork title: Southern landscape. Author: Baimakhan Sherimov
Artwork title: Bektau Ata. Author: Natalya LitvinovaArtwork title: In the mountains (private collection). Author: Ariy Shkolny
Artwork title: Idyll. Author: Aybek RozakovArtwork title: Untitled (gallery collection). Author: Abdrashit Sydykhanov
Artwork title: Bathsheba (private collection). Author: Vladimir GrigoryanArtwork title: Medeî mountains (private collection). Author: Ariy Shkolny
Artwork title: With love about the summer time (private collection). Author: Lidiya Kovalenko Artwork title: Series
Artwork title: Sagittarius (private collection). Author:  Ruslan  KultasovArtwork title: Almaty contrasts. Author: Yriy Shneiderman
Artwork title: Summer (private collection). Author: Anara AbzhanovaArtwork title: Near Kustanai. Outskirts (gallery collection) 	. Author: Yriy Shneiderman
Artwork title: African beauty. Author: Moses ZiborkedeArtwork title: Eternal  (private collection). Author: Yriy Shneiderman